For most people, when the sun’s out, it’s always a positive. Sunny summer days leave you feeling your best, open up more opportunities for travel and socializing, and are the prime opportunities for a healthy tan. However, hot sunny days also comes risk, which is why it’s important to protect yourself as much as possible so that you’re free to enjoy the sunshine without the worry.

In What Ways Can the Sun Be Harmful?

There are many different ways the sun can compromise your health. These include:

  • Sunburn
  • Promoting skin ageing
  • Wrinkles
  • Other skin damage
  • The risk of skin cancer
  • Heatstroke
  • Dehydration
  • Eye damage

5 Ways to Protect Yourself in the Sun

  1. Always Apply Strong Sunscreen

Your sunscreen application should be done regularly throughout the day, as one application before leaving the house won’t cut it if you’re spending all day outside, sweating, or maybe swimming. Your sunscreen should also be the strongest protection factor possible to keep your skin safe.

Be sure to apply to any exposed skin, and ask for help if you can for places you can’t reach. It’s a good idea to take your sunscreen with you wherever you go for an easy top-up.

  1. Drink Extra Water

Not only should you be drinking water to remain hydrated in the sun, but you also need to make sure you’re drinking more than usual if you’re sweating in the heat. You need to replace the water lost through sweating, so increase the amount of water intake you usually have during hot weather.

  1. Always Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement; they exist to protect your eyes against the harmful rays of the sun. They can also help prevent squinting and frowning against the light, which runs the risk of promoting wrinkles around the eyes and forehead over time. So always make sure to take a pair of sunglasses with you.

If you already wear prescription glasses, then you can find clip-on sunglasses as an easy option to protect yourself from

  1. Take a Break

If you haven’t had sunshine in a while, it’s tempting to want to make the most of it or spend the day sunbathing. Taking a break in the shade is important for your health, however, as you’ll need to give your skin and body a break. The longer you spend in direct sunlight, the more at risk you are of burning, dehydration and heatstroke.

If you don’t have the opportunity for shaded areas, such as if you’re exposed during a day out, think about what you can take with you, such as a wide-brimmed hat, a long-sleeved pullover, or even a sun umbrella.

  1. Avoid the Middle of the Day if Possible

The sun is brightest and strongest during the peak of the day, so late morning to mid-afternoon. If you have the option of avoiding these hours, it can be better for your own protection. Take an early morning out, stay indoors for the peak of the day, and enjoy the sunlight again late afternoon into the evening.

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