Arizona’s DUI penalties are notably severe but escalate significantly if a DUI leads to a catastrophic or fatal accident. Convictions in such cases can lead to lengthy prison sentences, spanning years or even decades, emphasizing the gravity of impaired driving and its potential consequences.

The well-known law business Mesa DUI Lawyer can designate a DUI criminal defense lawyer familiar with Arizona’s DUI and drug shop Laws to gather all the evidence required to prove both the driver and the establishment.

What can happen if you are involved in a DUI accident in Arizona?

Facing DUI accident charges in Arizona requires skilled legal representation. Facing DUI accident charges in Arizona requires skilled legal representation. If you are involved in any DUI accident that caused injury in Arizona, it is treated as a severe offence. In case it is a fatal DUI accident, then it is treated as any of these:

    • Homicide
    • Manslaughter
  • Murder.
  • Aggravated assault 

There can be serious charges against you in Arizona if you are responsible for any non-fatal accident and, at the same time, under the influence.  

This kind of aggravated assault and DUI will be treated as a class two felony. You may be awarded a prison sentence of seven to twenty years upon conviction.

  • Negligent homicide

In Arizona causing a fatal DUI accident results in charges of negligent homicide. This offense is based on criminal negligence and carries less severe penalties when compared to aggravated assault charges.

This negligent homicide related to DUI is classified as a class four felony, with a potential prison sentence of up to 8 years upon conviction.

  • Manslaughter

In Arizona, manslaughter charges for DUI-related fatal accidents are rooted in recklessness, not negligence. Under Section 13-1103, manslaughter is recklessly causing another person’s death. DUI-related manslaughter is a class two “dangerous nature” felony, carrying a potential prison sentence of 7 to 21 years. Prosecutors often argue that DUI inherently reflect recklessness.

  • Second-degree murder

Prosecutors frequently choose second-degree murder charges in Arizona when a DUI prosecution involves a tragic accident controlled by Section 13-1104. These offenses are considered class one felonies, and if found guilty, a prison sentence of 10 to 25 years may be imposed. 

This charge signifies extreme indifference to human life in DUI-related fatal accidents, imposing substantial penalties

Remember, injuries caused by a DUI accident conviction can be severe and may impact your life significantly. 

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