Kobo Elipsa is a new e-reader with many unusual features in the segment. Elipsa works with accessories, including Cobo Stylus that combines digital reading and writing experience in one device. Designers say they look beyond standard e-reader experience to make reading packages and write bridge the gap between print and e-book and between reading and making.

Elissa has a 10.3-inch Glare-Free Carta 1200 screen. This screen also has a brightness that can be adjusted comfortably, 32 gigabytes of integrated storage, stylus, and Sleepcover. It is offered in the middle of a blue night with a stylus in black and sleepcover in the blue slate. The designer behind the product says that elipsa allows people who read every day to interact with books by marking notes, highlights, and writes on their digital book margins.

Digital readers also act as digital notebooks. CEO Rakuten Kobo Michael Tampblyn said the new e-reader combines bookstores, books, and notebooks, which allow people to capture all ideas from books and writings. Products sound very similar to other digital notebooks called extraordinary 2.

The Kobo Elipsa package comes with e-ExipSA e-reader, Kobo Stylus, and Sleepcover. It is available for preorder now with $ 399.99 in the US or $ 499.99 Canada. Preorders start today, and Elipsa will be in stores and online on June 24. While prices for the US and Canada have been offered, Elipsa will be available in most Europe and Asia.

It should be noted that even though it has a similar set of features compared to 2 extraordinary, and the same price, 2 extraordinary does not include stylus or folio cover. Which has the potential to make elipsa more attractive than computing offers. However, it is not clear whether the Elarding can change the handwriting record into a digital note.

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