Nearly 26 years after starting his journey, Internet Explorer finally finished exploring. Microsoft announced this week that Internet Explorer 11 desktop applications will retire and exit the support for the Windows 10 version on June 15, 2022. It will not affect Windows 10 long-term service channels, but each copy of the consumer operating system will end support for Internet Explorer, including Windows 10 Home and Pro.

Microsoft Edge Enterprise & the security team lead Sean Lyndersay talks about how the edge will replace Internet Explorer on a blog post on Wednesday:

Today, we are at the next stage of the trip: we announce that the future of Internet Explorer in Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge. Not only Microsoft EDGE is faster, safer and safer and more modern than Explorer, but can also solve the main problem: compatibility for websites and longer applications. Microsoft Edge has Internet Explorer (“IE”) mode that is built, so you can access websites and Internet Explorer-based applications directly from Microsoft Edge.

Lyndersay then gave three reasons why now is the right time to say goodbye to IE. The most important factor is increasing compatibility because even though Internet Explorer 11 will come out of support, there is an Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge which provides user default support for legacy websites and applications. Plus, EDGE is built on a chromium project, which means it is better to be equipped to handle modern sites too. Everything Ie isn’t, Edge is better.

The second reason for replacing, namely with the tip is efficient productivity. EDGE offers many features that cannot be matched, from placing tabs to sleep to free resources to allow the vertical tab to free up space on your display to set the information you find on the web into a collection. None of these is possible on IE, and many more features are currently in work for EDGE.

Third, the edge is much safer than IE. Microsoft launched a monthly security update for IE 11, but in Microsoft Edge, patches for dangerous vulnerabilities can be released in a few days or even hours. As often as we talk about zero vulnerabilities on this site, you can see why it has security patches when ready in a few hours will be a vital component for any browser.

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