After getting a profit from the scarcity of physical events during a pandemic, zoom expecting a virtual meeting here to stay. Today’s video chat service announces the event platform that provides businesses and social users where to create and share events. From yoga classes organized by local studios to internal direct meetings to a large conference, this new feature aims to meet the different user base zoom. For companies, it offers the opportunity to extract more income by encouraging people – many of those who only use free services to chat with friends – to paid licenses, which range from $ 150 to subscribe to larger meetings for larger webinars.

When launched this summer, this zoom event will offer a payable customer tool including “hub” specifically where you can register your upcoming event, both of them private or public, once or series. The host will also be able to monetize events by providing tickets and registration that can be adjusted for their meetings. It is similar to the existing onzoom feature, the company has become beta testing since the last fall with smaller businesses and entrepreneurs. Understandably, it will now be folded to broader event services.

But where onzoom is similar to EventBrite and meetings, offering users the opportunity to make money from DIY events, a new platform is bigger in the scope. Zoom wants to be an online place for a number of meetings and virtual lobby for physical events to boot. A place that welcomes company employees, startup, clients, press and fans. In that case, the new feature sounds like a zoom round on Facebook.

To help users expand the reach of their meeting, Zoom will post it to a public directory to find someone else. You can also track event statistics such as attendance, registration and income, with additional control over access and billing.

In the end, with a deep-pocket rival like Microsoft and Google looking for lunch, the pressure is on the zoom to prove it can continue to grow. And, new features such as zoom events that make a more interesting subscription can help the cause.

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