Pandemic Covid has damaged us all. It may not be directly, not physically, but isolation, anxiety and uncertainty that we have experienced for the past year have left an indelible sign on our collective soul. And it’s only one of litany trauma, disaster on a global scale and individual, which is generated on us every day. In his latest book, all my friends live on my computer: Trauma, Tactical Media, and Meanings, Director of Technology influences the practice at Colorado University, Boulder, Dr. Samira Rajabi combines a personal essay of three American viewpoints with media studies with media studies Explore what happens when those who are hurt overcoming the trauma online, connecting other people with similar experiences and work towards their personal recovery.
Quoted from all my friends living on my computer: trauma, tactical media, and meaning by Samira Rajabi with permission from Rutgers University Press. Copyright © 2021 by Samira Rajabi.
Suffer from demands to be seen. When locked, trauma seeps, sadly injecting himself into everyday life that suffers and even the most worldly experience. The trauma properties faced, combined with the need to seep before themselves in digital space is a curative identity (can be reduced in 2012, 51), leads to widespread trauma mediation. Today’s mediatic moment, formed through capitalism and driven by technology, leads them who suffer to negotiate their experience online. In the digital space maintained by trauma patients with the main dialectic trauma: visceral needs to share one’s suffering and simultaneous encouragement to deny their gravity (Herman 1997, 1). Knowledge is produced through actively involved with the world; Daily experience serves as a teacher to suffer from subjects that must learn to re-meaning. When people experience trauma, they become “special epistemics in some important things” because of what they feel and natural (Wylie 2003, 339). The corpse suffering is a secret for “this epistemic privilege,” because it triggers a re-evaluation of various schemes where life is led and, with extensions, mediated.
The life of patients becomes ruled and defined by pain, uneven memories, and up-to-down experiences informed by the victim. Understanding of Victimization comes from the social and cultural framework received, which is often told through the media. This meeting with cultural forces received suffers from material bodies to put themselves in their symbolic universe, often requires symbolic reorientation. Digital media allows one negotiative space where this new circumstances can be articulated, mediated, redified, and contested or opposed. Trauma, in changing the daily life of sufferers, then transferring the daily media produced using digital technology to take into account various life contingencies informed by Clash between the reality of material and new and change. Mediation, for many people, is an alternative or additional for more conventional therapy forms and trauma therapy, indicating that trauma is optical that is useful for checking why and how the media captures human imagination and participation when productive suffering. What, why, and how to post online, as well as who, precisely, patients who are posted, are identity markers that negotiate, fight and re-mediate the conceptualization of sick people, sufferers, and victims as they seek readability in the circulation of the meaning and global ideas.