Do you know how when you open photos or links to share it and don’t always open the same share dialog? It turns out that because Android allows application developers to adjust what is called “shareesheet,” creating inconsistencies from the application to the application. To have a more uniform experience, you can now set third-party applications such as Sharedr as default sharedesheet than the Android Stock version. However, Google plans to stop that behavior on Android 12, according to the Xda developer.
Sharedr developers submitted a bug report after noting that Android 12 no longer encouraged users to choose between Android ShareSheet and its own application. Google says it is the intended behavior, so effectively blocking third-party applications from changing its own share dialogue.
“We never really intend to allow the application to change stock dialogue, the intention is for the application to launch a sharing dialog,” Google told the developer Xda. “Able to replace the stock dialogue also becomes increasingly impossible – you cannot apply the direct part of the UI, or the Personal Job profile tab in (Android) R, etc. This is not something worthy of allowing the application to replace.”
Google has not said whether to continue to let the application developer adjust the Android shareesheet, which creates an inconsistent user experience to start. For example, Samsung smartphones allow you to enable or disable direct contact sharing, as recorded by the developer Xda. You can still use the application like Sharedr, but you have to choose it as an application from ShareWeet stock, creating extra steps.